Pythagorean numerology takes its name from the renowned ancient Greek philosopher and mathematician, Pythagoras, who is most remembered for the Pythagorean theorem in geometry. He established a school in Croton (now Italy) around 530 BCE, where his teachings encompassed a wide range of topics from mathematics and music to the essence of reality.
Pythagoras held a deep conviction that numbers possess mystical and spiritual qualities and that they are key to understanding the cosmos and the human soul. He, along with his disciples, devised a numerology system that allocated numeric values to the alphabet based on their sequence. This system was employed to scrutinize names, words, and dates, and to offer insights into the divine and the universe.
Pythagorean numerology was widely embraced in the ancient world and has endured to this day in various manifestations. It has shaped numerous other numerology systems and has been assimilated into diverse cultures and faiths. In contemporary times, Pythagorean numerology continues to hold appeal for those intrigued by divination, spirituality, and self-exploration.