How does Chaldean Numerology work

How does Chaldean Numerology work?

Chaldean numerology assigns a numeric value to each alphabet letter based on its sound frequency or vibration. The allocation is as follows:

  1. A, I, J, Q, Y = 1
  2. B, K, R = 2
  3. C, G, L, S = 3
  4. D, M, T = 4
  5. E, H, N, X = 5
  6. U, V, W = 6
  7. O, Z = 7
  8. F, P = 8 No letter has a value of 9 in the Chaldean system.

To find the numeric value of a name or word, total up the values of all the letters. If the result is a double-digit number, you add the digits together until you get a single-digit number. This single-digit number is the “Chaldean number” for that name or word.

Chaldean numerology interprets these numbers, often alongside the person’s birth date or other significant dates, to offer insights into their personality traits, strengths, weaknesses, and life path.

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