Modern Numerology involves attributing numerical values to the letters in someone’s name and birth date. These numbers are then used to explore different aspects of their personality, life journey, and possible future. The primary method of Numerology today draws on the Pythagorean system, assigning the following numerical values to the alphabet’s letters:
- 1: A, J, S
- 2: B, K, T
- 3: C, L, U
- 4: D, M, V
- 5: E, N, W
- 6: F, O, X
- 7: G, P, Y
- 8: H, Q, Z
- 9: I, R
To construct a numerology chart, one’s complete birth date (day, month, and year) and full name (as it appears on the birth certificate) are translated into numbers via the system above. These numbers are then evaluated and interpreted to offer insights into the individual’s personality, strengths, weaknesses, talents, and life path.
For instance, in Modern Numerology, the Life Path Number is determined by summing the digits in someone’s birth date until a single digit or a Master Number (11, 22, 33) is reached. This number is thought to disclose key characteristics and challenges in someone’s life.
Numerology also tackles interpreting recurring numbers, such as 111, 222, 333, and so on, which are thought to bear particular meanings and messages from the universe.
Please keep in mind that Numerology is viewed as a means of divination and self-discovery, not a science. Interpretations can differ depending on the practitioner or source.