Numerology is a belief system that assigns meanings to numbers and their relationship to events in life. Despite different branches of numerology, like Chaldean, Pythagorean, and Kabbalistic numerology, they share commonalities.
- Life Path Number: The Life Path Number is a common element in numerology. It’s calculated from a person’s date of birth and reveals innate talents, abilities, and life challenges. Various numerology systems may have slightly different methods of calculation, but the concept is consistent.
- Expression/Destiny Number: Similar to Life Path Number, Expression Number is calculated from full birth name. It is believed to reveal a person’s natural abilities, interests, and challenges that they may face in life. Again, the method of calculation may vary slightly between different numerology systems.
- Personality Number: The Personality Number is derived from the consonants in a person’s full birth name and indicates how others perceive them. This number remains the same across various numerology systems.
- Core Numbers: Numerology systems utilize core numbers, including Life Path, Expression, and Personality Numbers, to comprehend a person’s character and life path.
- Master Numbers: Although not found in every numerology system, master numbers (11, 22, 33) are widely recognized. It is believed that certain numbers possess a stronger spiritual significance and vibration and should not be reduced to a single-digit number during calculations.
- Meanings of Numbers: Across different numerology systems, there are similar meanings associated with each number. Leadership and independence are often associated with the number 1, while cooperation and harmony are associated with the number 2. These basic meanings are consistent across various numerology systems.